"Azure Sky" is a beautiful and enchanting concept, often associated with vibrant colors and a sense of wonder. The at of Kirigami enhances the 3 Dimensional view of the Rainbow...
Kamakura Inspired by the Japanese Kamakura form of architecture during the reign of Shogungate that were a Samurai Clan & was inclined to Buddhism. This Wall art brings to you...
Tripol Darwaza One of the three enterances of the magnificent Udaipur Palace which was built by the Rajput King Maharana Uday Singh. The Tripol Gate is a unique gate with...
Rajon ki Baoli Inspired from the Rajon Ki Baoli which is a famous step well in Mehrauli Park, Delhi was built by Sultan Daulat Khan of the Delhi Sultanate. This...
Samarkand This ancient city that has stood against time and cross cultures has its own very contribution to art & architecture. The city that is fabled to be the birth...
FerganaThis wall art is a striking contrast of the glory and fall of the empire of Fergana which was the birth place of the Mughal Founder Babur. The Rich colours...
Qila-i-Akbari Inspired from the historic Mughal fortress called Qila-i-Akbari which we all know as the Red Fort or Lal Qila, this time travel themed wall mural art takes you right...