is a consumer first tech-enabled product of IPDA LLP., that has disrupted and repositioned the unorganized home fabricatio and decor market into an organized market with a profitatble business model which pivotts unique non-traditional supply chain and service delivery model. By unleashing the power of modern technology like e-commerce, AI/ML, Augmented Reality & Virutal Reaity, gives its partners and consumers the east of shopping, experience and post sales support to its product ranges across the Indian subcontinent.
We've evolved from a traditional trading business to a full fledged design label, manufacturer and today a leading consumer focused experiential tech business in the décor and design space.
We're tech-enabled
We've got the credentials of many firsts in our tab. We launched iDecorwala as the
1st e-commerce portal for home fabrication product ranges,
evolved it a the 1st AI driven algorithm on Tensorflow
1st fully experiential AR enabled shopping app
1st to venture into VR & metaverse shopping
Founder & CEO
"We at iDecorwala call ourselves the beings of the 6 Dimensions & we love to play with the spaces between these dimensions - we call this Experience & that is what we are keen to sell as our product-solution offering! Products become a mean, median and mode."
Meet the Executive Team
Co-Founder & COO
Vice President - Sales & Marketing
Ellora Sen
Design Head
GM - Operations
Vinod Kanna
Graphic Designer
Customer First, Business Next
We exist becuase we believe we can make a difference to our customers, add value & give a solution over just product sales.
Sustainable Living Friendly
Whatever we do, we ensure that we're giving back to the nature more than we're taking. Most of our products are made from 100% recycled material.
Expert Customer Service
We crave to hear the magical words, "WOW" from our partners, customers and subscribers. Everything we do, we add experience to it. Call us dramatic, not guilty.
Be Futuristic
We believe we're the round pegs in the square holes who are crazy enough to believe that we can change the way human life exists. Call us Crazy, we see Geniuses at work!
Running Operations
We are running a full fledged last mile delivery and installation support services across 22 and growing cities across INDIA.
"The best thing about working with iDecorwala is their commitment and ease of operations by setting the right expectations. In my 5 year of association with them, never once have they stressed us out on any of our projects"
Nitish Kumar
Principal Architect
"iDecorwala's design, color and product ranges are so chic and trendy that it becomes easy for us to get our customers to them for all their soft furnishing and fabrication needs"
Prajakta Sharma
Interior Designer
"The tech enabled environment and the experiential product solution offering of iDecorwala is a huge cutting edge for us to promote its chic home decor product ranges and thereby enabling our business."